Halec Objective

At HALEC, our mission is to unify the political voice of all Haitian-Americans under one leadership, fostering a sense of […]

At HALEC, our mission is to unify the political voice of all Haitian-Americans under one leadership, fostering a sense of community and empowerment. We are dedicated to assimilating the Haitian-American community into the rich tapestry of American democracy, promoting civic betterment, and defending the legal rights of Haitian-Americans. Through advocacy, education, and inclusive initiatives, we work tirelessly to strengthen the bonds of our community, ensuring equity, justice, and active participation in shaping our collective future.

General Objectives:

  • Unify the political voice of all Haitian-Americans under one leadership.
  • Assimilate the Haitian-American community to the American democracy.
  • Promote civic betterment.
  • Defend the legal rights of Haitian-Americans.

Short-Term Objectives:

  • Increase by 10% the number of registered eligible Haitian-Americans from NH to FL to participate in the 2024 elections.
  • Conduct fundraising to support endorsed candidates and other HALEC operations.
  • Endorse political candidates for city, state and federal offices.
  • Energize the Haitian-American base for the upcoming 2024 general election.
  • Volunteer for endorsed candidates.
  • Fully participate in upcoming elections at the local, state, and federal levels.